Friday, March 7, 2008

One evening with one author

Last Thursday night, held the village voice a book measured value of Xiaolu Guo�s a short Chinese English dictionary for loving. To see, I must admit the fact that I haven�t the book read and was curiously, what it was completely over. I thought that a measured value of the author was a way like any, to decide so good, whether I was in, to read it. It was interesting and an energizing evening.Xiaolu Guo is already a published author in its native China and a film producer for loading. It is slightly and tenderly entbeint with a ready smile for their public. For the measured value she came with her French translator, a friend, who made accordion music for the measured value and a high available, somewhat arrogant man, that seemed, to be their French publisher. Their discussion open, which spoke, it openly of its experience during the writing of the book and like it once in a lifetime experience for it was. As such, it fought largely for its publication. It added wryly the fact that the telling structure and the fact that she�s a colored person, who tries, to break into American and English publication it formed herculean a masterpiece. While it takes the pain, in order to mention the fact that the book is not actually auto+biographic says it likewise that history is partly based on diary entries, which it held during its first years in London. Forwards tellingly, it began to learn only English three years. Which in its discussion was considerable, was their openness, if it discussed the idea of it by the process of learning another language discovering. Receives a direction of the value, which it sets on language as reflection of a direction automatically. The writing of their book developed into a process of the discovery for it; of finding a direction of the individuality completely differently to their traditional education, which emphasized the collective. There is a violent intellect in it, which recognizes immediately and curious.I was largely surprised, when the English measured value by ms Guo of the French version one followed. Apparent the French publisher was not bare to give moral support (like I originally thought), to also do but present the French measured value. Which fastened over the translation, was, as it deviated from the collecting main. In the English version the Prosa is written into defective grammar, which reflects the language level of the letter. How translates on French, the representation in a smooth intact, apparently correct grammar is represented. Nothing wrongly with except that it differently than and intentionally written, therefore could I, in English add. This was formed more obviously by the fact that the French and English one was read after the other one. Wasn�t I the only one, whom mentioned on this fact and the question accordingly one raised. The author permitted that the translations of their book were written frequently perfectly as their original text. It is a curious thing to see to how much a translation can change things. As ms underlined Guo, it becomes a simple history, one under published the many, but the linguistic point of history is lost somehow. Hmmm..this to my understanding is a strong argument to read to the collecting main inside. I came away from the measured value with a strong respect, so that and a desire their book reads its author. The following up are you the book review of the short Chinese English of dictionary for loving. Ms Guo is back following in Paris in March to provide itself the salon you Livres and for the Women�s Film-festival, in which they will show their short film.

Good site to review: mp3 (

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